






About Us

We are Carbon Zero

The SANOFEX Group of companies are actively developing the offshore mineral estate of New Zealand in an environmentally conscionable way. The Carbon Zero division has been created to advance the technology required to process Ilmenites (present in our tenements) into goods for sale with a net zero carbon emission pathway of production.

This involves both existing and new intellectual property that is evolving to meet the demands of the Paris Agreement and New Zealands carbon emissions targets. Carbon Zero stands ready to meet the requirements of the transition to a low-emissions Aotearoa New Zealand.

To better achieve our ambitions, we focus on leadership both at home and internationally, guiding the way to a productive, sustainable and climate-resilient economy to benefit our just and inclusive society.

Marine Life


Marine Life Friendly

The health and safety of our marine ecosystem and a contribution to sustainable development, are key priorities.

We have a concept design for a remotely operated submersible dredge system that is noise suppressed, plume minimising and marine life friendly.

We keep the noise and sediment in and the dolphins out.

Energy Used

Process Heat

Hydrogen Clean Plant

SANOFEX Limited will adopt and build product processing systems that are net Carbon Zero.

Process heat is the energy used as heat mainly by the industrial and commercial sectors for industrial processes, manufacturing, and warming spaces. Around half of New Zealand’s process heat demand is met by burning coal or natural gas.

PHiNZ aims to work with industry and other stakeholders to improve the energy efficiency of supplying and using process heat, and increase the amount of renewable energy used to supply process heat.

Empowering the global steel and energy transition
